Our Story...

About Great Bear Chalet..
It could be said that the living philosophy of the Great Bear Chalet is "bears first". Well, it's simpler than that. It's respectful coexistence.
On the surface you see 'guided bear tours, wilderness hiking trips, all-inclusive luxury accommodations & outdoor adventures, but what we provide is a small footprint/low impact experience that immerses you in the world of the grizzly bear.
- Your Hosts/Guides, Bindi, Jefferson Bray, & now the exquisite Shyloh
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." ~Groucho Marx

"Overall it was the best trip I have had in years, and I look forward to doing it again soon! Jeff was so very knowledgeable, as both a bear guide & host to the region." Click here for more GuestBook entriesJason, BC Canada
Stay With US
A life lived with Nature fulfills
one's duty to the soul.
'Eco-tourism' is the term used to describe what we do, it does not define who we are. We aren't "human doings". The 'beings' we have had the pleasure of meeting & hosting, all share two admirable qualities - they are genuine people, with a passion, respect & understanding for the remarkable intricacies of the 'real', natural world. They also possess an undying 'will', inherent or learned, to leave the world better than they found it.
Everything is connected & everything is amazing.
We are all a part of Nature's global family.
We All Live Here.
Sharing our home, providing the opportunity for guests to coexist in this grizzly kingdom, cements these values. Said in the Nuxalkmc language, the First Nations people of the Bella Coola, you leave understanding, "lhiixwnicits t'ayc" - I treasure this.
To be able to respectfully coexist as we do, well... life doesn't get any better. We look forward to sharing our home, making it your wilderness retreat & witnessing you experience the same feeling.

"It's a beautiful, big inspiration to be at home. Thanks so much for sharing!" Diederick, the Netherlands

photos credit: Ewan Crosbie